Saturday, 10 May 2014

Ten on ten: May

I'm trying really hard to remember to do ten on ten! It's a fun little project that adds a little something different to your day! Today was fairly boring, and so it was fun to have something to do! My husband and some friends are shingling my father in laws roof- so I hung around the inlaws all day. Helped make food, and I use that word help very loosely. The couch and I got very acquainted today. None the less, it was a good day and they are almost done! 

Sometimes you just need a bowl of sugary cereal. It was on sale, so I indulged. 

I have the very exciting opportunity to go to the backstreet boys concert tomorrow. My 10 year old self is super jealous! So I rocked out to some of their tunes this morning as I got ready. 

It was +20 today. All the windows were open in the house and it was glorious. Fresh air is the best. 

Baby B was kicking like crazy after lunch. Such a wonderful feeling I don't think I'll ever get used too. 

Like I said before, beautiful day! 

I sure love that man. He worked hard this weekend, and I did kinda miss seeing him in those carharts on a daily basis ;)

A few of the wonderful helpers that came out! They couldn't of done it without them!

I found my ring!! SUCH A BLESSING!! It was missing for two months. I was convinced it was in our septic system. Last Sunday I opened up a cook book to make some soup and there it was marking the page of a pizza dough recipe. So thankful we found it! 

Now to end the day with a bath and some candles for a very sore, burnt, hardworking man!

I realize it's only 9 pictures, I'll get better! 
Goodnight :)

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Pictures that make me happy.

I love pictures. I would like to think that I'm a professional, but I am so far from it! None the less, I do really enjoy it. 

I just thought I'd post some recent pictures that make me happy. Once again, all are taken with my iPhone. Man I really have to dust off the ol SLR one of these days! 

These people are some of my favorites. Family is just such a blessing! I got to see them all during Easter weekend at the our bible school graduation. It had been WAY  to long since we had all been in the same room! Each and everyone of them are so special to me, and it really does kill me somedays that we live so far away. 
(The only thing that would make this picture better is if my parents were in it!)

These ladies are beautiful gifts from God! We met at bible school almost 5 years ago, and to this day I still cherish our friendship so much! We don't see eacother as often as I would like, but when we have the opportunity to be together again it just feels like home. All of us are in such different stages of life, but the way they encourage me doesn't seem to change. Once again my wonderful friend Joylynn is missing from this picture- I haven't seen her now in over a year! This whole growing up thing really does have it's downsides sometimes! 

One day, hopefully soon, there will be a little body to fill this adorable onesie! I am getting more and more excited to be this baby's mommy! I must admit I do spend a lot of my spare time thinking about what sex it will be, what name they will end up having, who it will look etc. But it's hard not to- I'm so in love already! 

I got roses. It was exciting. They're beautiful. I love my husband. 

The end :)

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Thoughts on becoming a Mommy.

Today, I am 23 weeks and 4 days. Time is flying to say the least, but at the same time August just can't seem to come soon enough. I still forget some days that there is a little one growing inside of me, and then there are some days where this little one wont let me forget it! His/her little kicks bring me so much joy and peace! I find it so hard to not let my worries get the best of me. I'm a worrier by nature ( and I in no way am saying that it's okay.) and it's so difficult not to focus on the "what if's" of pregnancy. Every little move (or lack there of) and pain sends my mind racing! I was very convicted the other day of how quickly I run to the internet or to someone else with my inquiries of these new developed pains instead of first heading to my heavenly father and laying my worries at his feet. I so often forget that I can lay all my troubles at his feet, and the overwhelming peace that comes when I act in obedience to this.

As we get closer and closer to becoming parents I realize more and more the importance of relying on my Savior. If I can't do that now how am I going to do that when there is a little one screaming for my attention, or running around begging for my love? How can I love this little one the way God intends if I'm not allowing the ultimate love giver to pour into my life?

I'm also realizing now that I have the tendency to make this little one my entire life once they make their entrance into this world. Don't get me wrong, I know that children are a blessing from God- but that's just it, they are a gift and are not intended to become my entire life. God and my Husband, who were here first, need just as much, if not more of my every day attention. I recognize that maintaining a relationship with God can be hard for a new mom, and I fully expect it to be- but that doesn't mean we stop trying. It's only when I am weak that HE is strong, and I have hunch that I am going to be very week in these next few months! It's also my desire that our kids see what a proper, Godly marriage looks like. Reality is that as they grow up that reality is only going to diminish as they go to school and are surrounded by friends from broken homes. Divorce is so prevalent these days, and I so strongly desire for our children to come from a home where the parents daily build into their relationship, and try really hard to always make it work. Therefore, my relationship with husband needs to be high on the importance list. I want our kids to know that their mom and dad love each other, and I want them to see it to! That means setting aside time for just us, not including the kids. I know that probably sounds so simple, but you'd be surprised how many couples don't do anything together with out there kids! I just don't think that's healthy. On that note though, I so desire us to be a family unit. A family that does life and ministry together. I have a feeling it's going to be a learning process, but man I'm so excited to start learning!