Tuesday, 19 June 2018

A Party

This past weekend we celebrated Keziah's second birthday! Her actual birthday was pretty low key, after work we went in to town for some pizza, ate it at the park and then let the kids run around the splash pad. When we came home we set up the tent in our back yard and had a sleepover with all four  of us! Of course the kids could of gone to bed a bit earlier, and slept in later the following morning, but it was fun and memories were made! Although, we do need to invest in a different air mattress! By morning Michael and I were literally just sleeping on the floor. But, oh well, memories right? On Saturday we had  a Minnie Mouse themed birthday party. Our girl loves Minnie Mouse, so it was such a fun way to celebrate her. Although, I highly doubt she'll remember all the decorations! I really enjoy planning parties, and putting a lot of effort in to show someone that we care. But, it does have a tendency to stress me out. So, in the future I need to find a balance between just being present, but also still planning and prepping something that I know they will enjoy. It was mostly family and close friends, and I'm always blown away by peoples willingness to drop what there doing and be apart of things like this. And there generosity, Keziah got spoiled in the present department! We've got some pretty great people in our lives who love and invest in our kids regularly and i'm so thankful for that! It was a great day celebrating our crazy two year old, and even though she may not remember it completely, I took some pictures so she wont soon forget ;)

Monday, 11 June 2018

Keziah is TWO

I always get so sentimental around Birthdays. Okay, I may always be sentimental, but Birthdays have a way of making me even MORE sentimental. Keziah turns two this week, which has caused me to walk down memory lane. I'm so thankful for pictures, and the memories that they preserve. I'm feeling all the emotions today! There is such a drastic change between one and two I think. So many changes seem to happen in that short, one year time span. When I look back on all those pictures I realize just how much really happens in a year. She's officially lost all the baby that was still there at her first birthday, and is a full blown toddler. Tantrums and all ;). She's a running, jumping, talking, potty peeing, arguing, joking, singing little toddler. Those two years have gone by so fast. I say it every year, but you blink and they grow up. It has been so much fun to watch her grow this past year, her personality really started to develop and she became her own person. She's feisty, and she knows what she wants. I wonder who she gets that from ;) She is so funny and quirky and is always making us laugh. She is opinionated, and likes making her voice known. She's compassionate and friendly. She wakes up every day so full of joy and energy. She's a fighter, and i'm so thankful for that. She loves her babies and animals and is such a nurturer already. She could listen to twinkle twinkle little star over and over again, and she loves her sleep. She is so adventurous and confident, which scares me somedays. She lives with almost no fear and loves making a good mess. She really is sugar and spice and I just cant believe we're at her second birthday already. I love watching her relationship with her brother grow, although they're both so stubborn, so that can be interesting. She has pretty much every male in her life wrapped around her little finger and its pretty adorable. Oh Keziah Ruth, you've made our life so much more full. There is more joy in our home because of you, more need for daily baths, and a second set of eyes to watch what your up too. I can't wait to continue to see the story of your little life unfold, and i'm so thankful that for right now, I get to be a part of it. I love you baby girl. Here's to another year of you!

Here are some pictures of Keziah's second year of life :)

Friday, 8 June 2018


In the summer of last year, Kassy asked me if I would be interested in taking some portraits of her in the Fall. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity and said yes! A fun day of being creative, getting coffee, and good conversation...who could say no! We ended up in Winnipeg for the day, we stopped at Thom Bargen, walked some down town streets and ended up at the Forks. At the end of the day we came back to my home in the country and took advantage of the fall colours. We had plans of pulling out the smoke bombs and the sparklers that day, but it started raining and got super windy. So we postponed, thinking it would be in the next few weeks or when the snow was on the ground. Fast forward 8 months and we only now got around to taking those pictures! The weather, and our personal schedules, weren't really on our side during the winter months. Even though it took a bit longer to actually finish what we had set out to accomplish, I love the way the timing worked in our favour. We had  a beautiful evening, even though it did threaten to rain and the wind at times made us wonder if we should post pone again. But, never the less, we powered through and waited it out, and it was worth it! Im so thankful for friends, and that they let me get all my creative juices flowing! I also love that Kassy is so easy to work with and so much fun! We had a great night! Thanks for  being adventurous with me Kass! You're the best :)
Here are a few of our first shoot way back in October (because I never did post any!) and then some from our shoot this past Tuesday! Enjoy!