So a while ago a friend of mine challenged me with something she had read on one of her friends blogs. 30 questions that help you get to know me better and help me get my creative juices flowing-and get better at writing!
So that is what I'm going to do. I am going to try my hardest to not just give you easy answers-but to really search my heart and show you who I really am!
Today's question is: 20 things about yourself that not everyone would know.
Here I go!
1. I'm British. Born in Northern Ireland in 1990 and moved to Canada in 1993 I think? Don't quote me on that-I always get the age I moved to Canada wrong!
2. Because of my birthplace-that makes me not a Canadian citizen! Yep, I'm an alien :) Actually, I'm just a permanent resident of Canada-which isn't that exciting. Although, one day I do plan on becoming a Canadian citizen-so look out Canada!
3. I was born two months before I was supposed to-making me a premature baby-nearly killing myself and my mother. But God is good-and he kept us both Alive,a miracle for sure!
4. I blame it on being premature-but I have the weakest wrists. It's actually kind of sad-it's inevitable I think that I will have Carple tunnel one day! Ha!
5. Brushing my teeth makes my nose itchy! Every single time-it's annoying and actually makes me despise brushing my teeth sometimes!
6. This might be gross but brushing my teeth also makes me gag-every single time. Lets just say I love having clean teeth-but it's a chore!
7. I have smelly feet. That was hard to admit. It genetic-I blame my mother ;)
8. I love Jesus. He saved me at the ripe age of 4 and since that day I've never looked back. I know some people don't understand how you can "become a Christian" at such a young age-but there's no doubt in my mind I knew what I was doing. Faith like a child is something not to be looked down upon! All of us need to have such faith!
9. I really don't like green peppers or uncooked onions.
10. I ditest ketchup. I just don't understand how people can love that stuff so much. But everyone's taste buds are different-I just really don't like it! Except on hot dogs-for hot dogs I'm willing to make an exception.
11. To many people I'm a disorganized person-but my disorganizedness makes sense to me!
12. I'm horrible at math. Like I don't know my times tables horrible at math. My brain just doesn't work this way! I'm so glad I married a smart man :)
13. I have the best husband. You can all disagree- but that doesn't matter I still win ;) He's my best friend, and other than God probably the only person who knows me inside and out. He makes me laugh-there's never a dull moment in our relationship. I love him with my whole heart!
14. If I was to choose only one junk food this world should keep-it be chips. I like chips. I don't eat them often-but there a treat and I enjoy them! Well and popcorn- but that's not junk food to me ( haha)
15. I have become an introvert. After spending three years in the dorm life it's hard not to be! I entered bible school as an extrovert-but man now I need my time away from people! If you were to ask me what my ideal night would be- I'd say a night at home! I'm boring, but I need it every once in a while!
16. I enjoy reading. Let me rephrase that- I enjoy reading for pleasure. There's nothing like a good book!
17. I love trees. Living in BC for such a long time, it's hard not to! Living in the prairies really made me appreciate them! Now living in Manitoba- in the "hills" I am blessed! There is no mountains but there are rolling hills and a copious amount of trees for me to enjoy every day! I'm blessed.
18. I secretly (not so secret anymore) wish I had an amazing voice! I love signing and worshiping The Lord- and sometimes I wish I could just belt it out and sound wonderful! But oh well, any worship we make to God is a joyful noise right?!
19. I enjoy tea. I blame my British roots! I do love a good cup of coffee now and then- but nothing beats a good cup tea in my opinion!
20. The only good thing about me is Jesus. Without him-I'm nothing. Without him I'm dead. He is my Savior, the giver of life! Because of him I now have life, eternal life. My sins have been forgiven because of his death on the cross. He has paid my debt in full. In him I am complete-I am Holy and I have the hope of life after death. This world is not my home! I am going to such a greater place. I believe in heaven-and I believe in hell. I believe there is no gospel without his death-and I believe without the gospel life isn't worth living. Do you know this wonderful savior? Do you know where your going when you die? What gives you hope today in your life? Think about it...
And that's me in a nut shell :)
bahahaha at number 7! Oh Rebsee I love you