Michael and I had the amazing privilege of going on a wonderful vacation to Northern Ireland. I am originally from there (yes, I'm still a British Citizen..sshh) we knew that the trip would consist mostly of visiting family. It had been around 11 or 12 years since I had been back last, this meant I had cousins I had never met and an uncle who wasn't my uncle the last time I met him! It also meant our family had gotten smaller due to the death of my Granda. I had also never been to Northern Ireland without my parents or brothers, this made this trip look so different than any of the others! We were also preparing ourselves for seeing my aunt who was dying of cancer. So it was a big trip, with a lot of people to see and a lot of firsts!
We went to Ireland for two weeks, and in retrospect it wasn't long enough. Though we were ready to go home by the end of those two weeks, we hadn't got to spend enough time with some our family. But this just means we will have to go back someday in the not to distant future!
Thinking back now it all really does seem like a blur. We did a lot, and saw a lot. But out of the whole trip what I enjoyed the most was just being with family. I got to introduce my husband to all of my relatives, and not to brag or anything but he was a hit :) I've never spent a lot of time with my family before, due to the fact that we live in different countries. So anytime that we do get spend together is so precious to me, and I try so hard not to take it for granted. It's just so different from the way my husband grew up, every holiday and major event his extended family was present. He had cousins around him, and aunts and uncles we were very involved in his life, and grandparents who made a huge influence on him. Not to say that my family wasn't involved or that they didn't influence my life, it just looks very different because of the distance. In saying this though, I wouldn't change anything about the way I was brought up. My parents followed God's call on their lives which led them to Canada, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
We were blessed on this trip. We were reminded of how many people we have in our lives that love us and care for us. We were encouraged in our walk with the Lord and reminded that we need to keep praying for our families.
I mentioned earlier about my aunt who was dying of cancer. We got to visit her twice during our time there, and out of everything we did this had to be my favorite. She passed away the day we arrived home in Manitoba, and I count it as such a blessing to have been able to tell her I love her one last time. I was so glad Michael was able to meet her and see how wonderful of a person she was. My Aunty Ruth was special. She loved Jesus and she loved my Uncle. She was beautiful and had an amazing way of loving those around her. Even though in the past 12 years we didn't see each other or even talk that often, I knew that she loved me. She has always had such a special place in my heart. I thank God for the opportunity he gave me to hug her and see her one last time. I can only hope to be half the person that she was.
All in all our trip was great, it's hard to believe that it's been over two weeks now that we've been home. God is good, and we are thankful to him for this amazing opportunity that he gave us.
Now for some pictures :)
My wonderful Great Grandmother who made this beautiful baby blanket for our wee one! |
Just a slight height difference ;) |
Port Stewart |
Port Ballentrey |
Dunluce Castle |
Port Rush, East Strand Beach |
The Giants Causeway. Michael with the "Giants Boot." |
New Castle. |
Glad you are blogging again, fun to see what you are up to.