Sunday, 17 August 2014

The end is near..

One week. One whole week till our due date. ONE WEEK!! I know, I know, many of you are probably rolling your eyes and thinking: "try 3 more weeks!". I understand that most first time moms are late, and I'm not living in complete least not yet :) I am hoping that this little one decides to come in a timely fashion, but realize there really is nothing I can do about it! He/She will come when ready!

I'm waiting very impatiently today for the arrival of my parents tomorrow. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a looong day. I've never been good at waiting, ever. I am a very impatient person, but it seems that once again I'm in a time of waiting. It's so hard to wait when your SO excited about something! I haven't seen my parents in almost a year, and there here for at least three weeks, how wonderful is that!? And then we have the arrival of this little bundle of joy that I am just so anxious to meet. We're going to be parents! I really don't think its sunk in yet for us. I mean we know we're going to be parents, but I have a feeling once I'm in active labour and we're on our way to the hospital, I may just have a mini melt down once I realize what's happening!

I have really been trying to not take for granted the time that I have right now. Other than keeping our house in order, and resting once in a while I really don't have any responsibilities. That is going to end very soon. So, I'm soaking in every undisturbed cup of tea, my comfy spot on the couch and my bed, and my regular devotions every morning that i've been able to have. It's very easy to get caught up in the future and anxious for it- but I know once this baby is born EVERYTHING will change and there will be some days where I wish I was back to doing exactly what i'm doing today- not a whole lot! I'm so thankful for these last few days, and am trying very hard to soak every moment in!

It's also been very interesting to learn a wee bit of what it will be like to do marriage in the midst of busyness. Camp has been a great intro into what ( I think) marriage will be like once this baby arrives. I know it's completely different, but Michael is busy and it hasn't always been the easiest to take time for each other this summer. And unfortunately, our relationship is one of the first things to be put on the back burner during such a busy season. But we've been reminded lately of how important it is to pray for one another, and to make sure that even if it's just five minutes every day to take the time to talk to each other and figure out how one another is doing. It sounds so simple, but ITS HARD. When your tired, or stressed the last thing you want to do is force conversation when you can just turn off your brain by watching TV or playing on your phone. But it is so worth it. I know we will have to learn this lesson over and over and over again once we become parents, but i've been thankful for this little reminder so that when life does get busy and stressful, hopefully I'll remember it. God is so good at preparing us for what is ahead, even before we realize that's what he is doing. Thank-you Jesus.

Well...the end is near. I can't wait, but I will. I'm terrified, nervous, excited, and so ready (at least I feel I am, I know i'm probably not ;) ) cooooome on baby!!

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