Monday, 10 November 2014

The prideful momma

I read an article a while ago on all these "mom shaming" things that us mom's do to each other. Not only did I agree with every one I read and experienced  the "shaming" in some way, but  I felt convicted. Not just because I knew that I too had judged my fellow mom but I was just as guilty of being prideful in my mothering skills. This article pointed out my sin to me in a way i'm sure it didn't intend. I realized that I strived for, and so desperately wanted to be the perfect mom, the perfect house keeper and the perfect wife. I realized that sometimes I thought I was, and I wanted others to think the same of me.

As I started to evaluate my life and how I  was portraying this kind of attitude. How many times a day was I doing something just so I could post it on instagram? How often was I browsing online stores just wishing that I could purchase these specific treasures for my home or my little one. How often was I stressing and getting worked up before we left the house to visit friends hoping our little guy wouldn't cry the whole time or that I looked a certain way. As I type this i'm reminded again of just how sinful I am. I knew being a mom would be hard, but I never imagined it being a sinful battle! I spend so much time worrying what other people think of me and how I mother my child or the way I keep my home. No my home isn't always clean, yes I have to formula feed my baby and I understand it's not the best like breast feeding is, yes we leave our little boy with his grandparents every once in a while so my husband and I can go on a date, yes we use a soother, no we don't use cloth diapers. There's a lot of things that we do that I know a lot of moms would disagree with, or choose to another way. And yes, I care a little too much and wish that I could do things perfectly and by the text book. But, I can't. I'm not perfect, and I will never be. I will fail at this mothering thing. I will make mistakes. And I will battle with my pridefulness every now and then. But I worship a Saviour who is perfect, who lacks nothing! In him I live and move and have my being, and in him can my battle with sin be defeated.

I pray that my pride, my covetousness, and my desire to please other people will become a thing of the past, that I will gain victory over these issues. That I will live to bring glory and honor to my Saviour and not myself.  I'm thankful for forgiveness. I'm thankful for mom's who can be honest about there struggles and for those who have encouraged me.

"But, he gives more grace. Therefore it says, 'God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'...Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you." - Hebrews 4: 6 and 10

Grace- unmerited favor. Something we don't deserve.
Proud- having or showing a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance or superiority.
Humble- The opposite of proud, feeling of insignificance, modest of opinion of ones significance or rank.
Exalt- To raise in rank, to elevate. To praise or extol.

I'm slowly learning what it means to humble myself before the Lord. But i'm thankful for grace and for a God who doesn't give up me!

It's not about being the perfect mom;
But, pointing your children 
to a perfect


  1. You are doing a great job as a momma Rebekah! I love seeing you and Cannan together, you can definitely tell he is one loved baby!! Keep doing what you do, it is working for you guys! Love you Bergen's!! :)

  2. Thanks Steph! I can deffinitly say the same thing about you three! :)
