Friday, 27 February 2015

Six Months

Six months old......Canaan is SIX MONTHS OLD!! Time has just absolutely flown, I cannot believe my baby is half a year old! This past month so much has happened: Canaan loves his solid food, so far Squash is his favorite but he will also eat pretty much anything off our plates. The only thing he really didn't like is turnip ;) He sits up all by himself, doesn't need his soother near as much as he used too, loves watching sesame street and playing with his toys. Music is his favorite, he's getting pretty good and grooving when music comes on- it's pretty adorable. He says DaDa all the time, but he doesn't quite know what he's saying yet. Bath time is so much fun, and it usually results in both of us getting soaked! He blabs and giggles all the time, he is just so much fun. Michael and I very often find ourselves staring at him and wondering when he grew up. I cherish those moments when he cuddles into me, reaches his arms out for me or wants me when he's upset. Those moments are few and far between now! I love you so much little man, and thank God every day for giving you to us.

He loves apples! If anyone around him is eating an apple he will cry and cry until
We give him some of it.
This face is my favourite! Oh, I just love you. 

Friday, 20 February 2015

A Finished Project

When I started this blog I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with it. I knew I wanted a hobby, and I knew I really enjoyed writing. So, it seemed to make sense. I guess I really desired to share my heart on what God was teaching me, how he was working in my marriage and how he was using us in ministry. As I grow in my role as a mother, I realize that it to is something I really enjoy sharing about. So I guess what I'm trying to say, is that this blog will be all over the place! I really do enjoy sharing what's on my heart, and things that I'm passionate about. So, for those of you who read this blog on a regular basis- thanks for sticking around and putting up with whatever I choose to write about :)

I wanted to share about a project that I've finally finished! Canaan's room is finally complete (I think!).  I wanted to share some pictures with you all, because this room has been a work in progress. When we found out we were pregnant  I had so many day dreams about how I would decorate this room for a precious little babe at my leisure. But, this summer we had quite a few hiccups with this room with an infestation of some carpet beetles. I think we set up the crib a week before Canaan was born! To say the least, it wasn't on my schedule :) But, it's done now, and I'm pretty happy with how it has turned out! I can't wait to see Canaan grow up in this room and love this space as his own!

My hope is that this little boy loves to read!

 This mobile was the last touch to the room that needed finished, Canaan is mesmerized by it!
           The gallery wall, with some art created personally for us by a good friend!
 Daddy shenanigans, these two when there together are such goofs! I look forward to seeing their relationship flourish and develop. I love these two so much!

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Here and Now

As I'm writing this Canaan is lying on the floor, all snug as a bug in a warm blanket playing with his favorite stuffed animal Juneau the husky. This is the first time we've spent time together, just him and I in over a week.

I really wanted to capture that moment, so I set up my tripod and attempted to a picture of us enjoying each other's company. Every-time I tried, he puked. My black pants are now sporting white splotches and my sweater stinks. I was quickly reminded of how humbling motherhood is. This tiny little human always seems to bring me be back to reality and shows me what really matters. My coffee is luke warm, i'm wearing eau d'puke as my perfume at the moment. But, he's contently playing on the floor, enjoying himself, aware that i'm here and watching him- and everything is ok. He brings me back down to earth, and everything I was stressed about or worried about- isn't such a big deal anymore.

I love this little boy so much. A constant reminder of God's grace, provision and love.

And now I have to go, because he all of a sudden has some red sticky stuff in his hair- seriously, child of mine, you keep me on my toes!

I just had to share this, because seriously, this is real life. Yes, my child is puking all over me and I am very unaware of that fact. 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

An anniversary

Valentines Day will forever be special to me. Even though I'll be the first to admit
That I love all holidays :) Christmas, Birthdays, Easters- I love celebrating them all. But three years ago today valentines day became one of my favorites. On that cold valentines day in Swift Current Saskathewan, my best friend asked me to be his wife. It was a moment I was anticipating for such a long time. Valentines day was the day I wasn't expecting it to happen on. I'm so happy I said yes. We've been married now for almost 3.5 years, moved twice, changed jobs, and had a beautiful baby boy. 

It was such a good day, remembering where God has taken us and how we've seen his hand in everything. I know it's not always easy- but it always worth it. 

Michael and I got to spend a night in Portage on Friday, thanks to a radio contest he won. We came home today and hung out with our little boy. Then we ended the day by helping our brother and sister in law move into their new house. All in all, valentines day was wonderful. 

Thank-you, Jesus for all your blessings. The big and the small, the things I see and the things I don't. 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

"I AM"

God really spoke to my heart today. I love it when he does that. I know he does it a lot more than I give him credit for, but I'm not always listening. It was through this video by Louis Giglio (above).

My hearts been feeling heavy for a while now, particularly in the area of friendships and the desire to be wanted and loved by others. I spent 3 years at Bible School, and met some of my best friends there- but we all live so far away. We still stay connected, but it's not the same not having them all close by. I hesitate writing this because I really don't want people thinking i'm wanting sympathy. In fact, please don't feel sorry for me. God spoke to my heart today in such a huge way. I mean it's something I know, but my heart doesn't always believe it. For a few months now I've been really desiring good, Godly, female friendships. People that I can really open up to and share my heart with, have fun with etc. My husband is my best friend. He does satisfy a lot of these longings, but he's not a girlfriend. He doesn't understand some things the way other girls do. I love him with my whole heart, and am so blessed. But sometimes, a girl just needs her friends too. We've been feeling it a little bit as a couple too. Being in ministry can be hard and it can be lonely. You feel sometimes that your the only ones doing the "outpouring" and aren't being poured back into. I know God hears my heart cries, we know he hears our cries- but before he answers that prayer I first need to find my satisfaction for this area in my life in him first (and as a couple). That's why this video spoke to my heart so loudly. I AM- HE IS, the only best friend I should ever need, the one who loves me more than I'll ever know, the one who longs for relationship with me, the one pursues me and calls me to him self. Ideally, everything I've been aching for. WOW. 

He is everything I need and more. I know he has created human relationships for a reason, its a picture of his desire and plan for relationship with us. And although desiring those kind of human relationships isn't a bad thing, if I'm not finding my desire in HIM first, those earthly relationships wont mean anything. 

"I'm pouring into others. Who's pouring into me?"   "I AM!!"

In any situation- He is ENOUGH. He is more than Enough. No matter what life throws at you- HE IS. 

He Is:

- The bread of life: He satisfies- John 6:35
-The light: we don't have to walk in darkness- John 8:12
-The Gate: He is the only way to Heaven, he is Salvation- John 10:9
-The Good Shepherd: He sacrifices his life for YOU- John 10:11
-The Resurrection and the Life: The promise of Eternal life- John 14:6
-The Way, Truth and the Life:THE ONLY WAY- John 15:1
-True Vine: John 15:1

I've been longing for friends that love, and desire me, friends that pursue me. I've had that in front of me all along. Thank-you Jesus.
I hope this encourages your heart as much as it does mine. 

xx R

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Ten on Ten- February

I've grown really fond of this little project! It's such a fun and good reminder for me to document our little life. I find it hard to remember to bring my camera with me everywhere and sometimes even feel awkward for whipping it out in public. But- if it means documenting meaningful memories, then I need to do It more! 

This post is extra special, my parents are here visitng from warm BC! It's always great having them come visit. It's also a lot more fun to photograph more than one person, so I really enjoyed this! 

Rise And shine, and give God the glory, glory! 

Nana, that tea looks really good, can I have some? 

Nanas really good at sharing. 

I got my coffee order In this morning, that's always a good thing. 

Lunch time. On the menu- puréed carrots. 

It's always a treat having daddy come home for lunch. 

Coffe break in Austin. Which of course, also included tea.

Love these two. 

Mama <3

Lots of snow today- it's always so beautiful. 

That's ten! Now here's some from this last week that I just have to share:

Isn't she a beaut?

He's always so happy :)

A little valentines day decorations! <3

I am thoroughly enjoying this little hobby. My editing still has to come along way! Maybe one day I'll buy Lightroom :)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Little blessings

Life gets busy. There's commitments made, work to be done and deadlines to meet. And in the midst of that, sometimes little things get over looked-or big things, depending on how you look at it. We're learning to prioritize, and sometimes that's hard. Marriage is one of those things: marriage and time spent as a family. This past week or so has been kinda crazy busyness wise. Before we knew it time passed and we realized we hadn't spent much time together. But Today, we got to do just that! In the midst of work, mingling with lots of students from Steinbach, getting to visit a friend and her beautiful new born, and filling our vehicle full of canteen candy- we spent time together as a family. It was good. We spent the evening during supper hours drinking coffee, eating supper, playing with our Son, and having good conversation on the way home. It's a new balancing act, and we're still trying to figure it out! 

And now, here's some pictures :)