Thursday, 19 March 2015

My Motherhood

I've been really excited to share about this fun little project I'm doing with some pretty great moms I know, and some I don't. It's called my motherhood. Once a month we will post a picture that answers a question about how we mother. We all do things differently, but the fact of the matter is: we're all moms! We all love our children and strive to do what's best for them.

My friend Stephanie, over at  The Lovely Wild,   is the creator of this project and it will be posted once a month on her blog. Be sure to check it out, and her photography, she's pretty talented!

I decided I would do a little intro again into who I am. It's been a while, and well who really wants to go all the way back to the beginning of someone's blog just to find out ;)

I'm Rebekah. First and foremost I love Jesus and am thankful daily for his divine Grace and Mercy that he so freely gives. I need it. I'm originally from Northern Ireland and at this moment, I am not a citizen of Canada! (That's a fun little fact that most people don't know). I have however been a permanent resident of Canada since I was about 4. I spent most of my growing up years nestled in between the mountains and the fruit trees of the Okanagan Valley in beautiful British Colombia. After I graduated from high school I left for the land of living skies to attend bible school at Millar College of the Bible located in Pabmrun, Saskatchewan. It was there that I fell in love with the tall, bearded, outgoing man I call my husband and best friend. We were married the fall after graduating with our bachelors in Biblical Studies- which brought me to friendly Manitoba! Now, we are missionaries with One Hope Canada (formerly known as Canadian Sunday School Mission) serving at Valley View Bible Camp. We gave birth to our pride and joy Canaan at the end of last summer, and are on this great adventure called life as a little family of three. I love good coffee, watching movies while snuggled on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, spending time outside, baking, writing and being behind the camera.   

Hopefully you know a little bit more about me now! Make sure to stop in at The Lovely Wild and check out the Motherhood Project!

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