Tuesday, 26 May 2015


Yesterday was Michaels 24th birthday! We've had a few days full of celebration! On the weekend Michael and I went camping to Birds Hill Provincial Park and yesterday we had his family over for supper and cake! We're so thankful for the beautiful weather that allowed us to celebrate outside. The celebrations aren't quite over yet though, in a few weeks he jumps out of a plane for the first time! (Skydiving) Prayers are appreciated, I may just have a heart attack watching him.

All in all we have had such a wonderful few days celebrating his life. It's a life that I'm so thankful for and blessed by on a daily basis. Birthdays are so special to me. They remind me of how precious this life is and that I'm not to take it for granted. Thankful for my wonderful
Husband and the great dad he is to our son and friend he is to so many! We love you, Michael! 

The cup was Canaans favorites part of the whole evening! What a goofball. 

Lots of campfires! Michaels favourite. 

(Ps. Sorry for the poor
Quality photos! I'm working through some glitches) 

Thursday, 21 May 2015


As I sat there on the corner of my
bed holding my almost nine-month-old boy, I was flooded with memories. His little arms were wrapped around my neck; I could feel his congested breathing against my chest. Asleep with his head on my shoulders I was suddenly aware of how big he was. I remembered a time such as this, it was in the early morning and the sun had yet to rise. I rocked him to sleep; he fit perfectly in my arms. That moment seemed like yesterday, and in the blink of an eye here I was holding the same little boy who had all of a sudden grown up.

His crying from the playpen had interrupted my purging of his closest. I was close to tears as I held a pair of tiny newborn pants and a hat. So small, I was shocked that my little boy used to fit into these garments. His shrieking called me to his aid, a little boy not quite ready to wake up, but so stuffed up from his cold that sleep was hard to come by. So, we sat on my bed and I held him. It’s a moment that is now forever etched into my memory. I’ve never felt so wanted and cherished in my entire life then I have in that very moment. I looked down at his little face and marveled at how much it had changed. I then realized how much this little face had also changed me. Basking in the peace of that moment I realized how quickly all the hard stuff of our day melted away. The crying, the refusal to let me change his diaper, the constant echo of the word "no" as he reached for the lamp yet again. All the things that get me discouraged as mother didn't matter anymore. This moment right here made it all worth it. 

Little boys grow up, but I’ve saved a place in my heart for these moments so I’ll never forget how much you needed me and how little you really were. 

( photo credit: Michele Harder) 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, oh my!

Today, we went to the zoo! Michael had taken the day off today, so we get an extra long weekend together. It's so easy to just hang around at home on weekends like this if we don't make plans. So we made plans to go to the zoo as a family, and it was so much fun! The Assiniboine Park Zoo has made a lot of changes, including adding a Polar Bear exhibit, which comes highly recommended! They've thought of everything, including a really awesome inside play area that Canaan was just a little to small to appreciate. We definitely had more fun than him I think, but he managed to stay awake for a good chunk of it! If you do go bring comfy shoes, lots of water and a stroller for your wee one, unless of course your a fan of baby wearing and walking for a long time. We also ended up finding a nice coffee shop to wind down and rest our feet for a bit. Then we headed to Ikea for supper which ended up being a much longer stay than anticipated with of course a bigger bill at the end ;) 

All in all, such a wonderful day with my little family! Thankful for time off and a beautiful day! 

Tired, tired boy!

The only picture we took together. (iPhone taken with VSCO cam) 

Monday, 11 May 2015

They call me Mom..

Once again Mother's day has come and gone. I had the privilege of celebrating this year with my little family, and it really was such a gift. I know mother's day can be very hard for a lot of people. Whether you haven't been able to have children of your own yet, you have children in heaven, you don't have a mother or your mother is no longer on this earth. This day can be hard, and although this day has never been difficult for me, I can understand why it would be for some. But, I realized something this mother's day that i've never really thought of before. Mother's day, in a round about way, is so much more than celebrating mothers. It's more about celebrating the women in your life. Whether your an aunt, a sister, a mother, a grandmother or a friend, each women has impacted someone's life one way or another. Even though I get to celebrate my mom and mother in law, I too am thankful for the other women in my life who have impacted me in huge ways. This world needs women. Strong, Godly, loving women to care for, nurture and fight for others. So thank-you, to my mom, mother in law, friends, and mentors for making such a huge impact on my life.

I to am a Mom, and was thankful this weekend for that gift. It really truly is a gift, something that I never want to take for granted. We are blessed beyond measure, in more ways than one and I am beyond grateful because I know I don't deserve any of it.

Yesterday was not only Mother's day but also ten on ten, so I now leave you with some pictures as well :)

Started our morning off by hearing daddy preach at a church in Brandon. I'm so, so very proud of him.

Each woman got a rose for Mother's Day. I got 4 for being the speakers wife, perks I guess :)

Mother's Day cards with help from Daddy.

Explored Brandon for wee bit!

Took advantage of the last 2 minutes of frappuchino happy hour for the day.

Love this little boy so much. 

Ice cream cones.
Bed time stories with daddy while mom catches up with a friend!

It was a good day. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

Eight months later..

It happened. Canaan got older. It gets me every month. I just spent the last 45 minutes looking at old photos, and it blows my mind how much he changes and grows. Sometimes I just have to do that, look at pictures and reminisce. That tiny little bundle who made the car seat look gigantic now makes it look to small. The little boy who used to lie so still on the couch or the floor now moves so fast that sometimes its hard to keep up.

This past month he popped out two teeth, learned to army crawl, has been trying his hardest to stand up with the assistance of furniture, played in the grass for the first time (which included eating it), and learned how to suck through a straw.

His personality shines through every moment. This kid knows what he wants, and when he wants it! He's not afraid to let us know how he feels, and can be a major goofball. He has a sense of adventure that's contagious, and will put anything he finds in his mouth. Poor lady bug. He's not afraid of anything, and really doesn't like the word no. It gets used a lot on a regular basis.

We've begun a new chapter in parenting, it's called discipline. I don't like it, but out of pure desire for this little boy to remain safe, it's necessary. It blows my mind how it's built into us to do the opposite of what we've been told. Evidence that we really are born into sin, and need grace so badly. So, we're learning to extend grace but also to discipline when necessary.

I'm learning that I compare myself to other moms way to much. Unfortunately, it daily hinders me in my job as Canann's  mom. The funny thing is, 90% of that comparing is done because of a photograph. How much truth does a photograph really hold? It's really easy to look put together and happy in a picture, and it's  really easy to be dishonest in our caption of said picture. If you see any of my pictures, please don't compare yourself to them. Behind them is probably a pile of dirty laundry, an argument between a husband and wife, and a screaming baby who doesn't want his picture taken. I don't want to stop taking pictures, and I don't want you to either...but let's be real in our representation of what's going on. And, mom's, let's stop comparing ourselves to one another. After all, it us ours kids really want.

Eight months later I still feel like I don't know what i'm doing, but I love the adventure. I hear a talking baby who just woke up from a nap, so i'm going to go hug my little eight month old.

xx Rebekah