Thursday, 27 August 2015

I remember everything about that night. The smell, the way the room looked, the people that surrounded us in support, the anxiousness I felt when I knew we were about to meet you. The way you fit in my arms perfectly, and how we were so excited we didn't even check to see what gender you were. The way your daddy's voice was laced with pure joy when he announced he had a son. The way your strong little neck and big blue eyes looked at me for the first time, you knew I was your mommy. The way you instantly filled a gap in our hearts that we didn't know existed.

I've been a mess of emotions. So many memories wrapped into one day. If I could do it all over again I would. 

It was a year of firsts. Lessons learned, growth, mistakes made, forgiveness given, and leaps of faith. We were changed this year. This year will always be rememberd. 

You were surrounded by people who love you today. Sometimes it overwhelms me how much your loved by others. Your a lucky little boy to have so many people willing to invest into your life. And we're blessed to have such a wonderful community helping us raise you. 

Here's to one year down, and Lord willing many many more to come!

"As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to begin." 

Happy Birthday sweet boy. We love you. 

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