Monday, 30 April 2018

Nate and Amy Visit

The past few months have felt so busy. But, busy in a good way, for the most part at least. March and April were full of visitors at our home and us travelling. It's been so good to spend time with family, especially the ones we don't get to see in person very often. In the middle of April my brother and sister in law came to stay with us for just under a week and it was such a treat! Honestly, there is no better way to show me you love me by loving my kids. And these two love our kids! I know sometimes having little ones can be draining on your guests, and sometimes annoying, but if it was these two never showed it! We had so much fun together, but next time they visit we wont do as much. Theres something to be said about just hanging out at home and relaxing, but Michael and I get so excited to show people the things that we love about where we live. Unfortunately, we didn't have the greatest weather, and even though it was April and I insisted it would be warmer and the snow would be gone, we were greeted with a freak blizzard the night they arrived. Nothing says "Welcome to Manitoba" better than a blizzard. Oh well, they persevered, and decided maybe next time they would come in the summer, haha! I've been a bit of a broken record the past little bit about family and how special they are to me, but i'm going to say it again. Getting to spend so much one on one time the past few months with my family has been so good for my soul. Love the people you've been given, they are such a gift! Here's the blogpost you were promised, Amy ;)

A trip to the Zoo!

Supper at the Forks! On the hunt for the best wood fired Pizza.

Lots of books were read.
A trip to Clear Lake. There isn't much to do in the Winter up there.

Visiting the camp Horses, Nathan stayed a safe distance away ;)

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