Monday, 9 June 2014

29 weeks

It's absolutely insane that this is my 29th week of this pregnancy! It has just absolutely flown by, and with each passing day I am getting more and more excited to meet this little one! Approximately only 75 days till our due date!

This week our wee little one is about the size (weight) of a butternut squash- some where around 2lbs 10oz and just over 15 inches long! 

Little ones lungs and muscles are continuing to mature and get stronger, as well his/her head is growing to make room for that developing little brain! 

This trimester, around 250mg of calcium are being deposited into baby's skeleton each day! Better drink my milk ;)

I've been feeling pretty well- I do have a few off days though. This weekend was particularly rough, I felt very nauseous and sick most of the weekend. I'm not sure if it's just a new development with the third trimester, or maybe it was just a touch of the flu. We will see how it goes! 

I am SO tired. Once the 2nd trimester came around I had so much more energy, but now I feel just like I did at the very beginning- absolutely exhausted! Daily naps are a regular occurrence :) Sleeping at night hasn't been the easiest- I just can't seem to get comfortable. Most nights I manage, but some nights I get next to no sleep, just a glimpse of what the rest of my life will look like maybe? haha.

Baby B is fairly energetic, though there are days where I'm convinced s/he to is exhausted and has decided to nap the day away! The days I don't feel him/her move as much aren't my favorite- like I've said many time before I am a worrier, and my mind instantly goes to the worst possible conclusion. By that time though, little one decides to wake up and let mom know that s/he are doing okay. After supper time baby is usually most active!

Summer is pretty much here, and with that comes heat and humidity! I am hot almost ALL the time- I have a feeling this summer is going to be interesting! With that, I have been craving ice cream, ice cold beverages and slurpees. Anything cold, send it my way! I have lost most of my food dislikes, and am not quite as sensitive to smells anymore- which I am rather enjoying!

We spent some of our time this past weekend doing things for the nursery. We have a busy summer ahead of us, and for the next month pretty much have no weekend time at home- so we got to work! We cleaned out the room that we have decided to use as a nursery, it was just full of boxes and stuff that needs to be in storage. I vacuumed and cleaned the room, and instantly got SO excited about what it would soon become! We bought quite a few things this past week and weekend for the room, things like crib sheets, a change table pad and cover, some decorations for the walls, curtains/blinds, some shelving- it's coming together quite nicely! A while ago we purchased an old dresser that we are going to use as the change table, and we spent some of Saturday sanding it and getting it ready to paint. I have a pretty wonderful brother in law who is going to paint it for us :) Next, we paint the crib- then we will be on the home stretch! With the room empty of all of our old stuff, and new baby things being added it is finally feeling VERY real. We are getting excited :)

Can't wait to meet you little Baby B!

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