I've been really battling in my mind exactly how I wanted to go about writing this post. I finally decided that everything I wanted to say would eventually all just come out together, and it would make sense. I want to share with you what God has been teaching me lately. More like what God has been teaching me these past 4 days.
My husband and I attend a wonderful church. We are so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family of believers and to be a part of a community that desires to grow and seek God. Lately, our Pastor has really been urging us a congregation to take our relationship with Christ seriously and to get busy getting to know Him better. I can honestly say that these past few weeks I have left church completely convicted. Conviction is hard, it's not a nice comfortable thing, but it is so rewarding because usually it draws us closer to our Saviour.
It wasn't until this weekend that it really hit me how much I have slacked in my walk with the Lord. Coming out of Bible School into the "real" world was a lot harder on me than I like to think. I learned and grew so much in that place, not only with God but also with the friendships I made. Then I was introduced to real life, the paying of the bills, the busyness of it all, working a full time job, having a husband and trying to keep a house in order. Life gets busy, and it gets hard. It gets hard to keep the "main thing, the main thing". I get so wrapped up in this life, the things of this world, that I slowly lost where my focus was supposed to be.
I was struck this weekend, to the point of tears, just how serious my dependency on this world has become. And not only my dependency, but also those around me- be it other believers or unbelievers. I was reminded of how much sin is in this world, and how so often us as believers condone the sin that is going on around us. Whether it be big things like people who have completely destroyed their lives with things like alcohol addictions, gambling addictions, drugs or pornography. We see lives destroyed by this stuff, yet so often we take part in these things even on such a small scale. We sell the liquor and the lottery tickets, we drink socially, we have fun with a bunch of friends by going to a casino and only gambling a little. It all looks fine and dandy until we take a look around us and see the depravity that is right under our noses. Yes, we have freedom in Christ- don't get me wrong I believe that with all my heart! But I couldn't help and question this weekend just how often we are in a place where sin is so rampant- and all we are doing in blending in. Blending in to the point that the world doesn't see a difference. I realize this may be a strong view, but I can't help and share because my heart was broken this weekend. Not only do we conform to this world in the big things, but we do it in the small ways too. I desire to have nice clothes, for my home to look perfect when people come over, or for the newest Iphone. I desire the things of this world so often. This world looks good. Everything that it has to offer me looks so appetizing, yet its end is destruction.
On Sunday morning the worship leader in our church stood up and shared Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any long to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.."
I have conformed. I think a lot of us have conformed. God showed me not only the state of our world, but also the state of my heart. I have a long way to go. Even today I was tempted, and often gave in to the lies that this world feeds us. It's going to be a long road- but a road that I desperately want to walk down. A road filled with a lot of sacrifices, and a lot of failing and getting back on my feet. But I know without a doubt, that this world is not my home. I have Hope in the future of eternity that is secured for me in Heaven through Jesus, because of Jesus.
This world needs Jesus. This world needs Christians who are willing to stand out and stand up for what they believe in. It needs real followers of Christ. Where are they? Where are you?
Elisabeth Elliott once wrote:
" Being a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but being a Christian does make me a different kind of woman."
Are you a different kind of woman because of the amazing work of redemption that Christ has done in your life? Or are you blending in to those around you?
Just some things to think about.
xoxo R
Monday, 30 September 2013
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Our attempt at being creative with a one year picture
We did it!
Beautiful view from our deck.
This past weekend Michael and I celebrated our one year anniversary! We went away for the weekend to Clear Lake- and it was so nice to go away just the two of us, and really enjoy each others company! We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast just outside Clear Lake in Onnanole, MB. It was called Whirlpool Road B&B and we highly recommend it! It is in such a beautiful location, and the owners are super nice! We were very impressed, and would definitely go back!
We both left work a little early on Friday and headed out towards our destination. We stopped in Neepawa for some supper (DQ!) then kept driving- it only took about 2 hours to get there. It's absolutely
On Saturday morning we woke up pretty early, we find it hard to sleep in on the weekends now a days. We got ready for our day, then had some breakfast. One thing I really appreciated about this place was the amount of detail they put into things. The breakfast was all handmade- and displayed with care. It also tasted delicious, which of course was a plus! We both wanted to spend the day exploring Clear Lake, so we headed out as soon we could. We walked a lot, took in all the little shops, and explored the boardwalk. I took advantage of some of the end of season sales and got some new clothes :) We had heard about this wishing well that we should go check out, so we went for a little drive to where it was located. We ran into a wedding that was getting their pictures take right by the well, and I'm sure we were in the background of some of their shots! The wishing well was anything spectacular, and Michael was convinced a lot of drunk guys had peed in it. But it was still a fun little excursion! We had plans to spend the next at Elk Horn Resort so we thought we would go and check that out too. By this time I was exhausted from walking, and admittedly was probably getting fairly grumpy. So, we decided to go find a place to eat then head back to our B and B to relax for the rest of the evening. We found this new restaurant called the Fox Tail- which we also highly recommend! It had such a cool atmosphere, and delicious food! I loved finding new places to try, and not being disappointed with them! So if your ever in the clear lake area- check it out!
Sunday was our one year anniversary, which was just so special in and of itself. Michael's parents had gotten us a gift certificate for the Elk Horn Spa, so we had a couples massage booked for the afternoon and just planned on spending most of the day there in their mineral pool. It was so relaxing, and refreshing to just sit and do nothing. Although, it did get old for me quicker than it did for Michael! He enjoyed the spa life :)
It was good to reflect on this past year and where God has brought us from. Looking back, a lot has happened! It's crazy to think that a year has passed, but when we look back at all thats happened it somehow feels like its been longer. We thank God for all that he has done in this past year, for his Grace and his Mercy, and of course for each other. For our wedding day we chose the verse 1 John 1:9 and as we look back on this past year we both see how applicable it has been.
"We love because He first loved us.." 1 John 1:9
If it wasn't for the love that Christ has lavished upon us, we wouldn't be able to love each other properly today. Granted, we both still do fail at loving each other properly on a daily basis- but we have such an amazing example to follow and move towards.
This year was hard, it was new, it was fun, it was exciting, it was wonderful and I wouldn't change anything about it! We are blessed, and we owe it all to the one who truly Blesses!
Thursday, 12 September 2013
The Position of the Cross
"Marriage can either be a great blessing or a great curse, depending on where you place the Cross." - C.T Studd
I came across this quote yesterday as I was checking out some other peoples blogs. I was instantly humbled by its truth.
It's so easy to get caught up in the normal everyday life- that the Cross looses its place. It gets pushed to the back, like a distant fading picture of everything you believe. I've noticed in my marriage that when we are both eagerly in the word and daily growing it positively changes our perspective and the state of our marriage. I have also noticed that when we are lacking in our spiritual discipline how quickly it drags us down. I personally know I become insanely selfish, my husbands world should revolve around me and he should be there at my every whim. I become easily irritable, impatient, I can pick at the little things about him that usually don't bother me. I become ungracious, and unforgiving. I pretty much lack the fruits of the spirit.
With that being said, those things seem very obvious when I look at them now, but I know when I am in those moments most of the time I feel like I am the one in the right. My Sin seems justifiable. How absurd that must sound! Sin has this way of blinding us. I have even realized that when I am not walking the spiritual walk my dependence on my husband grows, but it's an unhealthy dependence. He very quickly becomes my life, the very thing that I cannot live without. Now, from a worldly perspective- that's romance right there! But from a biblical perspective, that's idolatry- it's putting something or someone in the place where Jesus and the Cross should be. It's humbling.
Now, I'm writing this because this is exactly where I am right now. Between the place of realizing where I was, and slowly starting to make my way back to where I should be. I get so frustrated because I know the solution is so simple. Read the word daily, talk to God daily. But, why is that so hard sometimes? Why do we have seasons of dryness and drought? Because we're sinful. The things of this world are so enticing. BUT, we have Hope. I don't admit to having it altogether, and being a wonderfully spiritual person- in fact I admit the exact opposite. But, I am secure! I have freedom and liberty from my Sin because of Jesus and the work he did on the Cross. I am FREE- and I can daily walk in that freedom. I have hope.
So, it all comes down to putting the Cross back in its rightful place. Putting Jesus where he belongs. Putting him first so that our marriage is a great blessing, and not a great curse.
I came across this quote yesterday as I was checking out some other peoples blogs. I was instantly humbled by its truth.
It's so easy to get caught up in the normal everyday life- that the Cross looses its place. It gets pushed to the back, like a distant fading picture of everything you believe. I've noticed in my marriage that when we are both eagerly in the word and daily growing it positively changes our perspective and the state of our marriage. I have also noticed that when we are lacking in our spiritual discipline how quickly it drags us down. I personally know I become insanely selfish, my husbands world should revolve around me and he should be there at my every whim. I become easily irritable, impatient, I can pick at the little things about him that usually don't bother me. I become ungracious, and unforgiving. I pretty much lack the fruits of the spirit.
With that being said, those things seem very obvious when I look at them now, but I know when I am in those moments most of the time I feel like I am the one in the right. My Sin seems justifiable. How absurd that must sound! Sin has this way of blinding us. I have even realized that when I am not walking the spiritual walk my dependence on my husband grows, but it's an unhealthy dependence. He very quickly becomes my life, the very thing that I cannot live without. Now, from a worldly perspective- that's romance right there! But from a biblical perspective, that's idolatry- it's putting something or someone in the place where Jesus and the Cross should be. It's humbling.
Now, I'm writing this because this is exactly where I am right now. Between the place of realizing where I was, and slowly starting to make my way back to where I should be. I get so frustrated because I know the solution is so simple. Read the word daily, talk to God daily. But, why is that so hard sometimes? Why do we have seasons of dryness and drought? Because we're sinful. The things of this world are so enticing. BUT, we have Hope. I don't admit to having it altogether, and being a wonderfully spiritual person- in fact I admit the exact opposite. But, I am secure! I have freedom and liberty from my Sin because of Jesus and the work he did on the Cross. I am FREE- and I can daily walk in that freedom. I have hope.
So, it all comes down to putting the Cross back in its rightful place. Putting Jesus where he belongs. Putting him first so that our marriage is a great blessing, and not a great curse.
A walk down memory lane..
So in light of our upcoming one year wedding anniversary ( wow! that year went fast!) I thought I would take a look at some old photo albums and put our relationship into picture form up until our wedding day. This was fun! It's crazy to see even just physically how much we have changed and matured! Plus, like they always say "a picture says a thousand words"; it's funny how when you look at a picture all of a sudden all the memories surrounding that time come flooding back! I enjoy taking a trip down memory lane every once in a while! Enjoy :)
Our very first visit with my parents in Swift Current Saskatchewan. Note: we started dating that evening :)
Michael's first trip to Vernon! Well first trip to see me anyways!
In Chase BC
At Margaret Falls, Tappen BC
My first visit to Manitoba. This is an embarrassing picture- but it just shows how well we got to know each-other during my visit there! It was Canada Day and felt like 400 degrees out! Our vehicle had no AC, and we sweat like crazy!
Enjoying Manitoba! :)
One of the MANY road trips we took from Millar to MacGregor
This picture needs no caption!
All I have to say is: wow check out that hair!
Goofballs, hanging out backstage during a christmas choir performance in Swift Current.
Christmas in BC- Silver Star Mountain
Our first valentines day together!
The glorious mustache faze, my favorite! NOT!
Our one year dating anniversary spent at Millars Graduation 2011
Spent the summer living in Manitoba- he's so cute :)
Creating memories in Belbutte Saskatchewan!
Family pictures, taken November 2011
ENGAGED!! February 14th 2012
Loving that sparkler on my left hand
Just some candids from Third year- we are an attractive couple.
Our Millar Grad April 2012
Engagement Picture taken by Stephanie Wiebe!
Our Wedding day, September 15th 2012
Mr and Mrs Bergen
Friday, 6 September 2013
Being thankful.
Thankful for vacations- and puppy snuggles :)
Thankful for this summer spent at camp- the lessons I learned and the people I met!
This is a hard picture to be thankful for. But I have it good- Mosquitos aren't that bad.
Thankful for brothers. And for the heart that they both for God! I love them.
Thankful for a husband who lets me splurge every once in a while
Thankful for rain, I just love rain.Thankful for this summer spent at camp- the lessons I learned and the people I met!
This is a hard picture to be thankful for. But I have it good- Mosquitos aren't that bad.
Thankful for sunsets and that I am privileged to take in this view every day'
Thankful for those eyes, and how they understand me, and care for me.
Thankful for those eyes, and how they understand me, and care for me.
Thankful for the little things, like staff picking you flowers to brighten your day.
Thankful for cousins, sidewalk chalk and bug spray!
Thankful for time spent with my love searching out fields upon fields of sunflowers! Sure brightened my day!
Thankful for the power of the Gospel, and the transformation is brings in people's lives! Baptisms are awesome!
Thankful for harvest.
Thankful for hair cuts- and that I get to come home to that handsome face every day.
Thankful for parents and for the love they have for one another.
And once again, just so thankful for this man and everything he is to me!
Thankful for cousins, sidewalk chalk and bug spray!
Thankful for time spent with my love searching out fields upon fields of sunflowers! Sure brightened my day!
Thankful for the power of the Gospel, and the transformation is brings in people's lives! Baptisms are awesome!
Thankful for harvest.
Thankful for hair cuts- and that I get to come home to that handsome face every day.
Thankful for parents and for the love they have for one another.
And once again, just so thankful for this man and everything he is to me!
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
A Fresh Start
Summer once again has come to an end. I feel as though if I would of blinked, I would have missed summer altogether! It came, and it left oh so quickly! But, as I begin to feel fall in the air and see it in the yellow leaves that are starting to appear, I am ready for a change of pace!
Camp was wonderful. Wonderful seems like a pretty good word to describe what I experienced this summer. Now, before you go and thing that that word means this summer happened without a hitch, your wrong. This summer was hard. It was exhausting. It was fun. It was challenging. It was new. It was a learning curve and it was wonderful.
I got to experience camp from a different vantage point than what I am used too, behind a desk. I didn't spend a whole lot of time outside, which means my skin didn't see much sunlight, hence my milky glow :) But, the office was air conditioned, which I thanked God for almost every day because I am not quite used to this Manitoban humidity! God taught me a lot about depending on him, and looking to him daily for the right kind of confidence. He taught me how to work with others, and that I am oh so selfish! He taught me the importance of being weak, even though my pride took a hit many times this summer. He showed me time and time again that he does BIG things, and that the power of the Gospel is so needed! Lives were changed this summer at camp- not because it's a Bible Camp, not because of our staff, or the wonderful administrator that sits behind the desk on a daily basis, but because HE is GOD.
I saw brokenness this summer in so many forms. So many lost souls in this world who don't know what real love is. So many broken families, broken relationships and broken hearts. So many hardened hearts, tainted by the world and the lies that it whispers to them. But God fixed relationships, God restored hope in so many young peoples lives, God softened hearts and most importantly God saved and redeemed many this summer for Him!
I am thankful for this summer and what it taught me, it's funny looking back and thinking of all that I learned and all that I saw God do- I didn't really see it all then, but I see it now.
It was different being newly married and working this kind of job, especially with my husband working outside of the camp ministry. Being newly married is hard! I desire time with my husband, all the time. I think i'd be the first to admit that i'm a fairly needy person- and this was a summer of sacrifice. Now i say that not to toot my own horn and make you think that I am such a Holy person because I sacrificed so much this summer. The truth is, I could of sacrificed more. But at the same time, growing in my relationship with my husband, is oh so important to! This summer we learned how to balance- and were not even close to being done that lesson!
But like I've said before, I'm ready for a fresh start. For those leaves to fall, and the air to get colder-for the snow to begin to fall and wash away the old, and bring us the new! Change is good, and i'm ready for a change of pace.
Camp was wonderful. Wonderful seems like a pretty good word to describe what I experienced this summer. Now, before you go and thing that that word means this summer happened without a hitch, your wrong. This summer was hard. It was exhausting. It was fun. It was challenging. It was new. It was a learning curve and it was wonderful.
I got to experience camp from a different vantage point than what I am used too, behind a desk. I didn't spend a whole lot of time outside, which means my skin didn't see much sunlight, hence my milky glow :) But, the office was air conditioned, which I thanked God for almost every day because I am not quite used to this Manitoban humidity! God taught me a lot about depending on him, and looking to him daily for the right kind of confidence. He taught me how to work with others, and that I am oh so selfish! He taught me the importance of being weak, even though my pride took a hit many times this summer. He showed me time and time again that he does BIG things, and that the power of the Gospel is so needed! Lives were changed this summer at camp- not because it's a Bible Camp, not because of our staff, or the wonderful administrator that sits behind the desk on a daily basis, but because HE is GOD.
I saw brokenness this summer in so many forms. So many lost souls in this world who don't know what real love is. So many broken families, broken relationships and broken hearts. So many hardened hearts, tainted by the world and the lies that it whispers to them. But God fixed relationships, God restored hope in so many young peoples lives, God softened hearts and most importantly God saved and redeemed many this summer for Him!
I am thankful for this summer and what it taught me, it's funny looking back and thinking of all that I learned and all that I saw God do- I didn't really see it all then, but I see it now.
It was different being newly married and working this kind of job, especially with my husband working outside of the camp ministry. Being newly married is hard! I desire time with my husband, all the time. I think i'd be the first to admit that i'm a fairly needy person- and this was a summer of sacrifice. Now i say that not to toot my own horn and make you think that I am such a Holy person because I sacrificed so much this summer. The truth is, I could of sacrificed more. But at the same time, growing in my relationship with my husband, is oh so important to! This summer we learned how to balance- and were not even close to being done that lesson!
But like I've said before, I'm ready for a fresh start. For those leaves to fall, and the air to get colder-for the snow to begin to fall and wash away the old, and bring us the new! Change is good, and i'm ready for a change of pace.
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