Thursday, 12 September 2013

A walk down memory lane..

So in light of our upcoming one year wedding anniversary ( wow! that year went fast!) I thought I would take a look at some old photo albums and put our relationship into picture form up until our wedding day. This was fun! It's crazy to see even just physically how much we have changed and matured! Plus, like they always say "a picture says a thousand words"; it's funny how when you look at a picture all of a sudden all the memories surrounding that time come flooding back! I enjoy taking a trip down memory lane every once in a while! Enjoy :)

Our very first visit with my parents in Swift Current Saskatchewan. Note: we started dating that evening :)

Michael's first trip to Vernon! Well first trip to see me anyways!

In Chase BC

At Margaret Falls, Tappen BC

My first visit to Manitoba. This is an embarrassing picture- but it just shows how well we got to know each-other during my visit there! It was Canada Day and felt like 400 degrees out! Our vehicle had no AC, and we sweat like crazy! 

Enjoying Manitoba! :)

One of the MANY road trips we took from Millar to MacGregor

This picture needs no caption!

All I have to say is: wow check out that hair!

Goofballs, hanging out backstage during a christmas choir performance in Swift Current.

Christmas in BC- Silver Star Mountain

Our first valentines day together!

The glorious mustache faze, my favorite! NOT! 

Our one year dating anniversary spent at Millars Graduation 2011

Spent the summer living in Manitoba- he's so cute :)

Creating memories in Belbutte Saskatchewan!

 Family pictures, taken November 2011

ENGAGED!! February 14th 2012

Loving that sparkler on my left hand

Just some candids from Third year- we are an attractive couple.

Our Millar Grad April 2012

Engagement Picture taken by Stephanie Wiebe!

Our Wedding day, September 15th 2012

Mr and Mrs Bergen

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