I've been really battling in my mind exactly how I wanted to go about writing this post. I finally decided that everything I wanted to say would eventually all just come out together, and it would make sense. I want to share with you what God has been teaching me lately. More like what God has been teaching me these past 4 days.
My husband and I attend a wonderful church. We are so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family of believers and to be a part of a community that desires to grow and seek God. Lately, our Pastor has really been urging us a congregation to take our relationship with Christ seriously and to get busy getting to know Him better. I can honestly say that these past few weeks I have left church completely convicted. Conviction is hard, it's not a nice comfortable thing, but it is so rewarding because usually it draws us closer to our Saviour.
It wasn't until this weekend that it really hit me how much I have slacked in my walk with the Lord. Coming out of Bible School into the "real" world was a lot harder on me than I like to think. I learned and grew so much in that place, not only with God but also with the friendships I made. Then I was introduced to real life, the paying of the bills, the busyness of it all, working a full time job, having a husband and trying to keep a house in order. Life gets busy, and it gets hard. It gets hard to keep the "main thing, the main thing". I get so wrapped up in this life, the things of this world, that I slowly lost where my focus was supposed to be.
I was struck this weekend, to the point of tears, just how serious my dependency on this world has become. And not only my dependency, but also those around me- be it other believers or unbelievers. I was reminded of how much sin is in this world, and how so often us as believers condone the sin that is going on around us. Whether it be big things like people who have completely destroyed their lives with things like alcohol addictions, gambling addictions, drugs or pornography. We see lives destroyed by this stuff, yet so often we take part in these things even on such a small scale. We sell the liquor and the lottery tickets, we drink socially, we have fun with a bunch of friends by going to a casino and only gambling a little. It all looks fine and dandy until we take a look around us and see the depravity that is right under our noses. Yes, we have freedom in Christ- don't get me wrong I believe that with all my heart! But I couldn't help and question this weekend just how often we are in a place where sin is so rampant- and all we are doing in blending in. Blending in to the point that the world doesn't see a difference. I realize this may be a strong view, but I can't help and share because my heart was broken this weekend. Not only do we conform to this world in the big things, but we do it in the small ways too. I desire to have nice clothes, for my home to look perfect when people come over, or for the newest Iphone. I desire the things of this world so often. This world looks good. Everything that it has to offer me looks so appetizing, yet its end is destruction.
On Sunday morning the worship leader in our church stood up and shared Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any long to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.."
I have conformed. I think a lot of us have conformed. God showed me not only the state of our world, but also the state of my heart. I have a long way to go. Even today I was tempted, and often gave in to the lies that this world feeds us. It's going to be a long road- but a road that I desperately want to walk down. A road filled with a lot of sacrifices, and a lot of failing and getting back on my feet. But I know without a doubt, that this world is not my home. I have Hope in the future of eternity that is secured for me in Heaven through Jesus, because of Jesus.
This world needs Jesus. This world needs Christians who are willing to stand out and stand up for what they believe in. It needs real followers of Christ. Where are they? Where are you?
Elisabeth Elliott once wrote:
" Being a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but being a Christian does make me a different kind of woman."
Are you a different kind of woman because of the amazing work of redemption that Christ has done in your life? Or are you blending in to those around you?
Just some things to think about.
xoxo R
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