Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Position of the Cross

"Marriage can either be a great blessing or a great curse, depending on where you place the Cross." - C.T Studd

I came across this quote yesterday as I was checking out some other peoples blogs. I was instantly humbled by its truth. 

It's so easy to get caught up in the normal everyday life- that the Cross looses its place. It gets pushed to the back, like a distant fading picture of everything you believe. I've noticed in my marriage that when we are both eagerly in the word and daily growing it positively changes our perspective and the state of our marriage. I have also noticed that when we are lacking in our spiritual discipline how quickly it drags us down. I personally know I become insanely selfish, my husbands world should revolve around me and he should be there at my every whim. I become easily irritable, impatient, I can pick at the little things about him that usually don't bother me. I become ungracious, and unforgiving. I pretty much lack the fruits of the spirit. 

With that being said, those things seem very obvious when I look at them now, but I know when I am in those moments most of the time I feel like I am the one in the right. My Sin seems justifiable. How absurd that must sound! Sin has this way of blinding us. I have even realized that when I am not walking the spiritual walk my dependence on my husband grows, but it's an unhealthy dependence. He very quickly becomes my life, the very thing that I cannot live without. Now, from a worldly perspective- that's romance right there! But from a biblical perspective, that's idolatry- it's putting something or someone in the place where Jesus and the Cross should be. It's humbling. 

Now, I'm writing this because this is exactly where I am right now. Between the place of realizing where I was, and slowly starting to make my way back to where I should be. I get so frustrated because I know the solution is so simple. Read the word daily, talk to God daily. But, why is that so hard sometimes? Why do we have seasons of dryness and drought? Because we're sinful. The things of this world are so enticing. BUT, we have Hope. I don't admit to having it altogether, and being a wonderfully spiritual person- in fact I admit the exact opposite. But, I am secure! I have freedom and liberty from my Sin because of Jesus and the work he did on the Cross. I am FREE- and I can daily walk in that freedom. I have hope. 

So, it all comes down to putting the Cross back in its rightful place. Putting Jesus where he belongs. Putting him first so that our marriage is a great blessing, and not a great curse. 

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