Well, we are now 35 weeks pregnant! I never really believed those women that would say: "9 months goes by so fast!" and even though I feel as though I've been pregnant FOREVER, 9 months really isn't long enough to do everything that you hope to accomplish! At least it doesn't feel that way. Life doesn't stop just because your expecting.
It's hard to believe that next week we will be entering the ninth and last month of this pregnancy! When I look at our list of "to-do's" I get nervous and anxious, but I am oh so excited to start this new journey!
We started off week 35 with our first and last pre-natal class. We just don't have the time this summer to do weekly classes, and frankly we did leave it till the last minute. The local public health nurse came to our home on a Saturday and spent almost 4 hours with us! I'm sure it looked VERY different from your typical lamaze class, but this way she taught us exactly what we wanted to know and what we were curious about. Plus, because we waited so long we got to skip a whole bunch of steps! It was very informative, and so good that we got to take it in together. We haven't been able to do a lot of "team" learning around this whole pregnancy thing, so it was good to be taught at the same time and to know that we were on the same page. I learnt a lot about natural child birth, and even though I still think I'll need an epidural, am more and more willing to see how it goes before making up my mind completely. Let's face it though, i'm a wimp when it comes to pain!
We finally had some time this weekend to move all of our "extra stuff" into the shed in our back yard, which means I have a couch to sit on again! :) My awesome father in law also came over to help and he tilled and weeded my garden for me. I'm not sure what I was thinking of planting a garden this year, they're a lot of work and even though I have the time my body does not respond well to bending over anymore! HA! But, it looks great and things are even growing!
I mentioned in my last post I think of the nice long to do list that we still had and the set backs that we were facing. Such as our vehicle not being in running condition, our washing machine breaking, and finding these lovely (not) creepy crawly things in our baby room. Well, as of this weekend our car is in the shop getting repaired, our washing machine works as of today and as far as those tiny little worms go- we're still battling!
I was forced this morning to sit down and spend some time with the Lord as I got fairly overwhelmed at the amount of things that were going wrong. I did a load of just bleach water this morning just to see if the leak had been repaired, and it was still leaking! I also found a worm in our freshly packed baby bag, and FIVE in our second bathroom this morning. As far as I could tell- nothing was working in our favor. So- after a phone call to my husband to share my predicament I sat down on our bed and prayed. I pleaded with him that our washing machine would be fixed ( i had a lot of laundry to do) and that he would show us a way to get rid of these nasty bugs! In the midst of my pleading I was reminded that even though things don't always go our way, that life seems hard sometimes and they're are trials- we are BLESSED. In light of eternity these things seemed so small, and they are. Even though they do affect us now, and do require some of our attention they are not to be the very thing we focus on day in and day out. Yes, we are having a baby very soon. Yes, life is busy and our to do list is long. BUT- God is good!! And we truly are blessed way beyond what we deserve!
Michael came home during tuck time for a brief 20 minutes and figured out what was still wrong with our washing machine. AND HE FIXED IT!! It works, it really really works! I am currently now on my 5th load of laundry, and am so thankful! As for those tiny little pests called carpet beetles, we are still struggling with them. It's not the beetle itself but its larvae, and even though there small they are gross! They apparently live off of dust, lint, old bugs, clothing etc. So we've been doing a lot of vacuuming ( more than 3 times a day) trying to keep all of our clothes out of reach and spraying the life out of them with bug killer. But somehow they keep showing up. At first they were just in one side of our home, but today I found one in a laundry basket, and two in our on suite bathroom. I feel as though our home is slowly being taken over by these tiny creatures, but we will just keep plugging away and hoping that they disappear very soon! If any one has dealt with these things before, your tips and wisdom on the matter is kindly appreciated :)
And at the end of the day I'm thankful for everything my husband does for us. He works so hard at the camp during the day, and very often comes home at night only to battle with broken washing machines, and carpet beetles! I really don't know how I would do any of it without him! We're also so thankful for this tiny little baby growing inside of me. Everyday it reminds us of its presence with its strong movements that cause my whole tummy to move! He/She is getting bigger everyday, and we're getting closer and closer to meeting! Like I said before, we're blessed. We're blessed because we have a Savior who loves and cares for us, who listens to our prayers and most importantly laid his life down for us so that we could live. I've been reminded to remain thankful even in the face of trials, because in the end it's worth it and we really do have so much to be thankful for.
Showing off the 35 week belly!
35 weeks of pregnancy and this guy has never left my side. I'm thankful, so very thankful for him.