I have been trying really hard to use my camera more. But most of the time I've been taking pictures of camp, so the pictures I'm about to share are all
With my phone. I will get better at taking more pictures with my SLR! :)
Little brother Matthew graduates from highschool! The last highschool grad we will be going to for a sibling! Crazy!
Apparently a rare find, a pink lady slipper. Found on the camp road not to long ago.
Got to spend our first weekend of the summer at Grandmas trailer, it was such a wonderful, relaxing weekend. A good way to start off a busy summer!

A few weekends ago now Michael had the weekend off (meaning he didn't have to be back at camp for Sunday) so we went camping with our friends! It was such a fun, relaxing weekend! We camped at kerr lake, at a cabin we had rented. Seeing as three out of four of the wives were pregnant, we were thankful for real beds :)
My favourite thing this summer: vanilla soft served dipped in chocolate. So good!!
I've been so blessed with some wonderful friends. People who make me feel so loved! Last week just a week full of people showing me how much they care, and I appreciated it so much!
Michael and I had the privilege of going out for supper last night with his brother and soon to be bride! They get married this Saturday! It was a fun evening and we enjoyed getting to know them better as a couple. It was date night at the restaurant we went to- an appetizer, two main courses and dessert to share. Needless to say I was SO full even after the appetizer! But I somehow managed to find some extra room for this delicious dessert :)
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