I can't believe it's July. Summer crept up on us so fast, and already the weeks are flying by! Right now we find ourselves in week thirty three of this pregnancy, and in some ways I can't believe it's come this quickly but at the same time I want it to go so much faster! Only eight (ish) more weeks until we get to hold our little bundle of joy!
As time goes on I realize how much we still have left to do. It's a little overwhelming, but i know it will all come together in the end. We're in the midst of a busy summer, but at some point we really have to set aside sometime to make sure were ready! Our car needs to be fixed, just the other day our washing machine started making horrific noises and needs to be fixed as well, the baby room needs set up including brining the crib and change table to our home, our garden needs weeded and tended too, I still need to pack my hospital bag (babies is already packed!) the list could go on and on! But for some reason I find myself not to stressed over these issues. I know they need to happen, and I know they will at some point. I like being prepared, and if I had things my way we probably would of been ready for this baby months ago!
Baby has been moving a lot lately, and I love it OH SO MUCH! I have no idea what way it is positioned, but I'm pretty sure sometimes it's feet are right under my stomach, and man does that hurt! We still don't know what were having, and I find myself thinking about that a lot! I am finding it rather exciting not knowing, it's going to be such a wonderful surprise! A part of me is convinced it's a boy, mostly because I have a lot of boy clothes and the name we have chosen for a boy was the first name we kinda settled one. But at the same time my heart longs for a little girl, I can just see my husband being such an amazing girl daddy. Either way, I'm astatic and am convinced that we will try our hardest to love this wee one with everything we have.
This past Sunday we went to a different church than usual, we we're staying at our Grandma's cabin and decided we would sleep in instead of getting to our church on time. (my husband was exhausted from his first week of camp) The sermon at this church was on raising up a new generation, raising children who followed God and listened to him. It was convicting/encouraging at the same time. Being a parent is a God given role, and an important one at that. We have the responsibility to teach and disciple our children to follow God- to show them what it means to be a follower of Christ and to give them opportunities to serve Him. It's not our job to make sure that our kids have a better life than we did when we were their age, yes we are to provide for their needs, but we aren't to make their lives too comfortable. I really do want the best for my kids, but the best that the world offers and the best that is offered to us through Christ is completely different. My hope and prayer as we walk through this thirty third week of pregnancy is that this little one inside of me would know their Saviour intimately. That He/She would give their lives to serve him in any capacity, even if that means leaving their mom and dad behind and going to a foreign land. Never do I want to be the kind of parent that stops their children from serving God. It's easier to say that now as I really don't have a clue what it means or looks like to be a parent, but it's my hearts desire.
Well little one, we continue to hope in the day that we get to meet you, prepare for you and pray for you.
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